Untitled (I licked a long silver penis from my crotch) Performance, Speaking, Radio station, Callisthenics rod, Microphone, 25 min, Rewind Sound and Studios, 2023

Organiser : Grace Marlow
Photography : Grace Marlow

Untitled (I licked a long silver penis from my crotch) was an entirely improvised performance artwork that included body movement, stand up comedy, multiple alter personas that became known as uncle tony terry ted, his former lover and her father whom she also shared martial affairs with. These fictional scenes were enacted out in front of the audience. This work incorporated the live sounds of the radio station, male dominated personas, sexual innuendos and interactions with the floor and chairs.

I embody the people I seek to be, the people I do not know or the people that I find difficult to relate to. I pretend to be them to think about who I am. Performance is a trope to question the performativity of our life.